Friday, June 7, 2013

Kinect for Xbox One Won't Always be on

Earlier today Microsoft reviled that Kinect 2 won't have to be always on contrary to popular belief. Instead: “if you don’t want the Kinect sensor on while playing games or enjoying your entertainment, you can pause Kinect.”

And “When the system is off, it’s only listening for the single voice command – ‘Xbox On’”  and even that can be turned off, though “Some apps and games may require Kinect functionality to operate, so you’ll need to turn it back on for these experiences”.

This just goes to show you shouldn't write of the X1 until we know more about it! 


Thursday, June 6, 2013

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NBA Live 14 Will Only be on the Xbox One & PlayStation 4

Today EA announced NBA Live 14 will only be on the Xbox One & PlayStation 4. This is a bit surprising considering the bumpy road the series has had in recent years, but I guess they view this as a chance to 100% relaunch the series.

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

The Xbox One May be Getting a Huge Exclusive

Leaks are suggesting Respawn Entertainment is making a huge exclusive for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One, NeoGAF user Cartman86 got his copy of Game Informer through Google Play early, and this was it's cover:
Here are some of the details from the article:
- Xbox One, PC
- Xbox 360 version developed by someone else
- Planned to target current gen, but realized that they couldn't run it
- Started to look into next gen and the answer they got from Microsoft intrigued them
- They said they needed to focus on fewer hardware. In the future they are open to more. They don't specify if it would be this project or another.
- Plan to use Microsoft's Cloud for dedicated servers and physics and AI calculations
- Campaign Multiplayer, "traditional" multiplayer mode, and a "One-Player Mode".
- Spring 2014 Release Date
- There are a good amount of screens. In my opinion it visually looks pretty nice.
- First person shooter
- "Mech" and ground combat
- "Mech's" are called Titans.
- They want these Titans to feel fast. They can dodge etc.
- If you don't want to pilot the Titan you can have it follow you, killing people as it goes along.
- Player characters are called Pilots (male and female)
- They are extremely agile. Can run on walls, multiple jumps.
- They can take down Titans. Jumping on them and shooting the "brain". 
- You need to be cunning as a pilot. "Hit and fade" tactics is the term the game director uses.
- Pilots come equipped with a variety of weapons. Pistol, Assault Rifle, Anti-Titan Rocket Launcher, data knife used to hack AI characters into joining you.
- There are AI enemies on the maps.
- You survive longer than in COD. Making it more welcoming to newcomers.
- Source Engine. Building new engine = too much time.
- Source gives them 60 fps
- Modified Source - "Rewriting major portions of it".
- Article talks about the process of forming the team, being fired, prototyping ideas etc. I recommend reading it.
- Going for a District 9 or Blade Runner vibe.
- Integrate memorable single player moments into a multiplayer game.
- Storytelling style will be more Left 4 Dead.
- Humans segregated between Earth and frontier planets. Corporation trying to take the resources of these frontier people.
- Progression system. No details yet

Sounds like it'll be an amazing exclusive, stay tuned to Xbox One News as more details are uncovered!

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Welcome to Xbox One News! I'll be posting all the latest Xbox One news here, hopefully it'll become: "The ONE Source for all Xbox One News"